We provide Christian resources to empower those who care for the widowed in their distress.

Our vision:

“Caring For the Widowed in Their Distress.”

You’re grieving. We’re here to help.

A few years ago, Mary Beth Woll and Linda Smith were widowed.

In their grief, they realized that there were few resources available for people like them — people grappling with loss. They wrote a book about their experiences so they could help others.

Together, Mary Beth and Linda decided to dedicate their lives to a ministry that helps provide spiritual comfort and communication. The Widows Project is a resource for all people trying to figure out life without their spouse.



“I am thankful that Mary Beth invited me to the zoom meeting Thursday night for widows. 

After over 8 years I am finding I still need healing from the loss of my husband Bob who has stepped into heaven to be with Jesus.”

— B.L.

“I am grateful for being invited to the Thursday evening Zoom Widows' meeting led by Linda Smith and Mary Beth Woll. God's hand was evident in the timing as my husband of 53 years passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly, on the Fourth of July 2020. Mary Beth spotted messages of condolence on social media and promptly reached out, introduced me to Linda and they embraced my broken heart.”

— Char

“A church friend introduced me to a grief group leader. This is what I was missing - God in grief. I am so grateful to be a part of this ongoing group. Thank you.”

— Jane