March Blog

The Wrap-Around Love of God

Linda: Here we are, down by the water.

Mary Beth: Yes, we are at the water in Edmonds, Washington. Can you hear the airplane going over now and all the traffic?  We wanted you to see the water here today. It's a beautiful sunny day in Edmonds, Washington.

Linda: It’s springtime and flowers are starting to bloom. But some of you haven't noticed yet because you were grieving the loss of your loved one.

Mary Beth: I remember, Linda, when Bob went into the hospital, the Spring flowers were blooming and when he passed away the Summer flowers were blooming. I did notice the flowers, but the seasons changed while we were in the hospital. I missed a season!

Linda: I did too. I missed Easter that year. I intend not to miss any more Easters. I love tulips and daffodils, but when your heart is broken, sometimes you don't notice the flowers. 

Some of you have a broken heart. You became one with your husband or your wife when you married. Then they passed away and now you feel like you're not a whole person anymore. 

The two became one and then the one became two, again. That is an excruciating process. I hadn't thought until recently about the heartbreak that Kirby must have experienced on his way out.

Mary Beth: Yes, because when two become one, the only way that one can become two again is if both hearts break.

Linda: “My heart is torn because it is one with yours. This is painful.” That is a quote from this book that we love so much by Gary Rowe called “Heartbroken”. 

Mary Beth: Yes, I find this book very, very helpful—especially for those who are in the early part of their grief journey.

Linda: But Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

We hope that you are sensing the wrap-around love of God with His wrap-around presence. Thank you and God bless you!

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