May Blog

A Man of Sorrows

You know, the Bible says that Jesus was sometimes called A Man of Sorrows.

Even though today it gives us great joy to know Jesus, in order for us to experience that, He had to leave His home in heaven, and come down and take the form of a human body, and be obedient to His Father and humble Himself, even unto death on a cross.

But because He did that, now we can come to Him with our own griefs, and our sorrows and our sins, and we can be forgiven, and we can know Him as our Lord and Savior. And even our friend.

But, when He was here, the Bible says He suffered more than any man, especially on the cross.

And I want to share with you a song today from Isaiah 53, called A Man of Sorrows. And this chapter in the Bible, predicts the death of Jesus on the cross, thousands of years before it happened. And now, thousands of years afterwards, we can know Him as our personal Savior.

So, for those of us maybe today who are experiencing grief and sorrow, we know that we can come to Jesus with that, and He will lift it from us. He will carry us, and He will bear away our griefs and our sorrows, whatever may be concerning us today. He knows all about, and He cares. And He’s powerful to help us.

So, I just want to share this song with you called Man of Sorrows.

He was a Man of Sorrows

And acquainted with grief

He was a Man of Sorrows

And acquainted with grief

We hid our faces from Him

He was smitten of God

He was bruised for our iniquities

With His stripes we are healed

He was oppressed and afflicted

Yet He opened not His mouth

He was oppressed and afflicted

Yet He opened not His mouth

Brought as a Lamb to the slaughter

A Sheep before shearers

For the punishment of us all

And with His stripes we are healed

He made His grave with the wicked

And the rich in His death

He made His grave with the wicked

And rich in His death

He who had done no evil

No sin was in His mouth

For the punishment of us all

And with His stripes we are healed

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