Fresh inspiration for your journey.
Our monthly blog arrives in your inbox monthly as a simple newsletter. We offer multimedia tips, encouragement, and meditations for widowed men and women.
April Blog
I want to encourage you to go and tell others what Jesus has done for you. It will change your life—and theirs!
March Blog
God truly is the Husband to the widow. And He has promised us that He has given us everything we need for life and godliness!
February Blog
I’m here today to talk with you about “Take Heart!” a book my old friend Chris Taylor and I wrote for widowed men. I want to show you how it fits into the Widows Project’s vision “to comfort the widowed in their distress.”
January Blog
What’s behind us is the past. The present is gone like that. But we do have a future, and who we become is who we will take into that future.
December Blog
The purpose of Re is to allow God to re-invent us; because when we’ve been widowed, when we are grieving, we have lost our identity.
November Blog
The holidays are coming, which can mean missing a loved one. Take care of yourself this season.
October Blog
How can you best support someone who is grieving the recent loss of their spouse? Our guest Lynn Baker talks us through how to be a caring friend in a time of need.
September Blog
“Change is hard work.”
Bruce McLeod from the Widows Project talks about the power of re-invention, renewal, and more.
August Blog
“Did you know that peace and pain can co-exist? They can live together in harmony.” Bruce McLeod from the Widows Project shares his heart.
June Newsletter
No matter what challenges we experience, we can be assured that God is up to something good!
Pure Religion - Devotional
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” (James 1:27).
Because He Lives! - Blog post
Without Jesus’ resurrection, we would despair at the loss of loved ones. But because they died believing in Christ, we know that they are actually more alive now than ever!
It Is Not Good For Man to Be Alone - Devotional
In marriage, the husband and wife become one flesh; in the Church, the individuals become one Body. Paul refers to marriage as a “profound mystery.”
Are You a Man Who Needs Comfort? - Blog post
In a community of the bereaved, I found comfort, good counsel, strength to go on, and healing for the empty place in my heart.
Living With Purpose in a New Season - Blog post
“With God’s help and our perseverance, we can emerge from the suffering of loss and overcome obstacles. Our lives can bloom again and become more beautiful than ever.“
Be My Valentine! - Devotional
“The love of my life—my Valentine—was gone. What would I do while it seemed that the rest of the world walked hand in hand, celebrating romantic love?”